Get ready to embark on a musical journey as acclaimed musician Sebastian Mikael announces his latest project, “Paradigm Shift,” slated for release on April...
Today, José James, the internationally-acclaimed jazz singer for the hip-hop generation, releases his 12th studio album, ‘1978’ via his own Rainbow Blonde Records. ‘1978’ is named...
Reggie Becton, the artist known for his captivating melodies and heartfelt lyrics, has once again graced the music scene with his latest project, ‘Sadboy,...
Multiplatinum-selling artist, songwriter, producer, and philanthropist ZAYN has dropped his soul-stirring new single, “What I Am.” This track serves as the inaugural glimpse into...
Beyoncé’s eighth studio album is available worldwide now. act ii COWBOY CARTER arrives today following the successful release of two lead singles, “TEXAS HOLD ‘EM” and...
Usher, the iconic R&B artist, has just dropped his latest single, “Ruin,” featuring Pheelz, accompanied by a visually stunning music video shot entirely on...